Blackroll Groove Pro Foam Roller

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  • Structured surface for new stimuli
  • 50% harder than the BLACKROLL® STANDARD
  • For intensive applications
  • Stronger massage effect

The BLACKROLL® GROOVE PRO has the high density level of the BLACKROLL® PRO. During fast rolling, the grooves on the surface cause a slight vibration effect, supporting blood circulation of the tissues during activation before exercise and stimulating the receptors in the connective tissues and muscles. The BLACKROLL® GROOVE PRO is particularly useful in performance sports.


Warning: the roller is very hard, so it is recommended only for prosecutor and advanced rollers.

Warning: the GROOVE PRO is very hard and therefore recommended to professionals only.

•  rutted / grooved surface for impulsive fascia treatment and stimulation 
•  high density, 50% harder than standard version for stronger effect
•  appropriate for all exercises on the ground
•  strong deep tissue massage effect
•  for prevention and treatment of cellulite