Body Solid Olympic Weight Tree (GOWT) (50mm)

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  • $235.00
  • Regular price $249.00
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Keep your workout area safe, clean and organized with this Olympic Weight Tree & Bar Rack from Body-Solid! Six 50mm x 20.3cm long weight plate storage posts keep plates safely suspended off the floor for easy storage and removal and can hold up to 450kg of weight. Two Olympic bar holders store all styles of Olympic bars. Designed with central weight load distribution that virtually eliminates the risk of tipping. Features heavy-duty 50mm x 50mm and 50mm x 75mm high tensile strength steel with all-4-side welded construction and finished with ultra-tough electrostatically applied powder coat finish.

Assembled Dimensions: 102cm H x 51cm L x 59cm W

Silver gray finish. Weight plates and bars optional