BOSU Balance Trainer Professional

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  • Regular price $378.00
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The BOSU Balance Trainer is a versatile, effective tool used by top athletes and millions worldwide for cardiovascular, strength, balance, and flexibility training. Its commercial design, 3.6kg bladder, non-skid base, and over molded platform create a challenging and enjoyable workout experience, improving core strength, stability, and body awareness.

Here are some BOSU Ball exercises you can use to achieve this.

  • Push Ups: Adding a BOSU ball makes push-ups more difficult, so don’t be afraid only to do knee push-ups when just starting out.
  • Lunge: Performing a lunge on an unstable surface like a BOSU ball will require much stability and balance. Go slow to maintain good form.
  • One-leg Hold: Maintaining balance may be difficult, but it is crucial to master it when you want to start using a BOSU ball. This BOSU ball workout forces you to find your centre of gravity on such an unstable surface.
  • Squat: Performing squats and variations strengthens your quads, and these are great exercises to try on your BOSU ball.
  • Triceps Dip: Triceps can sometimes be neglected during a regular workout routine, but a BOSU ball tricep dip will hit them hard. The further your feet are from the ball, the harder this type of exercise becomes.

* 12 Month limited warranty

**Pump Included.